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ServSwitch DKM • Welcome to the matrix – unlimited switching with the ServSwitch DKM from Black Box • Maximum flexibility to meet the high requirements in studio and digital signage applications • Hallbergmoos, June 16, 2011 – • With the ServS...
High End KVM Solutions • High KVM Solutions for every Application • ServSwitch DKM • Instant switching in four different modes for data center, control room, pooling and similar applications. • Download ServSwitch DKM pdf (1,4 MB) • ServSwitch...
ServSwitch Agility • Black Box: All-in-one set for KVM switching and extension, single target sharing and multicasting • Utmost flexibility with the new ServSwitch Agility • Hallbergmoos, March 2, 2011 – • With the ServSwitch Agility from Blac... laboratory lines – KVM extension and interconnection • Various analysers, taking measurements 24/7, are integrated in laboratory lines. These lines include laboratory devices to analyse blood values, coagulation, or urine – to name a few. The d...
...Applications KVM dans les régies, studios, centres de diffusion et de contrôle • La technologie KVM permet la séparation physique entre les utilisateurs et leurs ordinateurs. • L’extension KVM et la commutation KVM procurent un environnem...
Utilisez des extenders KVM pour • un meilleur environnement de travail. • Utilisez des extenders KVM pour un meilleur environnement de travail. • Par Erik Indresøvde • KVM (Keyboard, Video, Mouse) signifie « clavier, vidéo et souris ». Un exte...
...Cas clients • Solutions KVM • LUMC (Centre hospitalo-universitaire de Leiden) • Infrastructure Solutions • Hôpital de Belfast • Patientline • Industrie pharmaceutique Banner • Solutions réseau • Hôpital régional d'Oneida • Solutions d'affichage dyna...
...made when purchasing KVM switches? • The biggest mistake is buying on lowest cost as the only factor without considering future needs. The most common mistake is buying a KVM switch that will solve your problems for today only. When this occurs, ...
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