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...such as backbone cables or for connections that will be changed frequently, like those in wiring closets. Ceramic ferrules are more precisely molded and fit closer to the fibre, which gives the fibre optic cables a lower optical loss. • Use c...
...gaine d’aramide. Les câbles simplex et duplex sont entourés d’une solide gaine de protection, avec renforcement en Kevlar®.  Parce qu’il n’autosie qu'une unique liaison fibre, vous ne devez limiter le recours à du câble simplex aux seules applica...
...plusieurs catégories de câbles fibre optique à variation progressive d’indice de réfraction. Le standard ISO/IEC 11801 version 2009 2.1 définit les catégories OM1, OM2, OM3 et OM4, homologuées par la norme TIA/EIA, en août 2009 pour l’OM4 (TIA/EIA 4...
Wireless Network • In ad-hoc mode, wireless user devices such as laptop computers and PDAs communicate directly with each other in a peer-to-peer manner without the benefit of access points. • Ad-hoc mode is generally used to form very small s...
DSL Solutions • DSL Solutions • A local area network stretching over several kilometers? • No problem with DSL products from Black Box. While the extent of local area networks was greatly limited in the past by the tight restrictions imposed b...
Checklists • CHECKLISTS • Successful projects start with a comprehensive analysis of what does already exist and what shall be the result. • To achieve this Black Box provides you with handy checklists for: • Premise Wiring (Structured Cabling... revenues from old cables). Here's how it works. Nearly all existing telephone lines can carry • frequencies up to 1 MHz. But analog telephone service only requires a maximum frequency of 3.3 KHz, leaving a large amount of the bandwidth unused....
Ethernet Topology • Technology Overviews • Ethernet Topologies • Designing your Ethernet LAN with Black Box. • Key features of Ethernet topologies: • Fast, reliable throughput speed-10 Mbps. • Accurate transmission-CSMA/CD access method. • Eas...
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