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...such as a PC or server, can also function as a gateway. • KVMoIP switch • A KVMoIP switch contains an IP gateway, which is the pathway the KVM signals use to travel from the IP network to an existing non-IP KVM switch. It converts and direct...
...Kraftwerk oder Kirche, Serverfarm oder Supermarkt, KVM-Extender werden zur Lösung unterschiedlichster Probleme genutzt. Hier zeigen wir Ihnen ein paar gängige Anwendungsbeispiele. • Präsentationen und Training • KVM-Extender sind ideal für Situatio...
...layers that contain modules for performing defined functions. • This translates into a set of rules that defines the way participating network nodes must interact to communicate and exchange information. The OSI model defines standard relationships ...
...PCs. V.22 bis doubles data throughput (to 2400 bps) for quick service of large file transfers. • V.25, V.25 bis • -Provides for automatic calling and answering circuitry for use on dialup lines. V.25 defines a dialup parallel interface; V.25 b...
...layers that contain modules for performing defined functions. This translates into a set of rules that defines the way participating network nodes must interact to communicate and exchange information. The OSI Model defines standard relationships be...
Wireless Network • In ad-hoc mode, wireless user devices such as laptop computers and PDAs communicate directly with each other in a peer-to-peer manner without the benefit of access points. • Ad-hoc mode is generally used to form very small s...
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